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  • Writer's pictureעידן אייזן

Ideation Station

We started the week with a fun, active and illuminating idealization workshop in class. The workshop involved sticky note brain storming, conceptualizing the problem spots, and a skit highlighting the problem and a potential solution. 

The sticky note brainstorming helps us understand that our ideas fall into three categories: 

1. Mind: things that relate to cognitions, education, and perceptions surrounding the physical therapy education. 

2. Reinforcement: ways to track and reward the mind; schedules, reminders, trackers, מלשינון, social reinforcement.

3. Body: things that relate to the actual training; videos, robots, AR, gesture technologies. 

Next the exercise helped us take all the variables (reasons people don’t persist in home exercises) and place them on a timeline. This helped us see what our solution would have to address overtime. 

We used this to craft a skit. While the skit was silly the concept of a fairy reminding you to “let it go” is very similar to mindfulness apps that train acceptance to deal with pain and setbacks. 

Based on these insights we crafted 3 different storyboards for our weekly assignment that spoke to both the cognition and the physical process. 

Finally, we also realized that our card sorting survey was ineffective and similarly redesigned it. 

till next week Goodbye!

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